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Simple diffusion really says it for itself. Mostly simple molecules and substances can pass through. Water, O2 or CO2, or other small simple molecules are the limited spectrum of simple diffusion.

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Q: What are the limitation of simple diffusion using the amoeba as an example?
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How does the amoeba obtain oxygen and carbon dioxide?

An amoeba lives in an aqueous environment; some oxygen from the air will normally dissolve into the water (or, oxygen is released by plants living in the water) and oxygen will enter the amoeba by the process of diffusion.

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Gas exchange in Amoeba basically takes place across the whole body surface by diffusion. With their huge surface area which is relative to the volume, single celled animals can productively get oxygen and also remove carbon dioxide via diffusion across the surface. have i helped u from this answer my name is yash verma

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An Amoeba.

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simple diffusion, osmosis and facilitated diffusion.

Why amoeba is considered as a simple organism?

The Amoeba is considered a simple organism because it is unicellular protozoan, or an animal composed of only one cell.

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Facilitated diffusion needs some sort of help. Often it would be a protein. Simple diffusion doesn't. If you spill something smelly on the floor in the kitchen, you will smell it all through the house. It will spread by simple diffusion.

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What happens in simple diffusion?

In simple diffusion, a substance passes through a membrane without any outside intermediary. The rate of diffusion is based on the force exerted..

What are the examples of simple diffusion?

Osmosis is one of the easiest-to-understand examples of diffusion. Past that, you will need to define 'simple'.

How does facilitated diffusion from simple diffusion?

It doesn't. (answer by RRU member Cyrem)