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High gamma gt increases due to exessive alcohal intake or some of drugs this can be reduced by avoiding exessive alcohal and oily/faty items. To control high GGT it is better to take Live-52 DS tablets Of Himalaya drugs

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Q: What are the long term effects of a high Gamma GT liver function?
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What does high gamma gt in blood mean?

The liver is a sort of chemical factory that makes some things that are essential to use in the body and it also breaks down and gets rid of some of the unwanted products of your body's chemical processes.Some liver function tests, like the gamma GT (gamma-glytamyl transpeptidase), are very sensitive and can be raised by something as simple as taking paracetamol regularly and perhaps a bit too often, or as complicated as showing damage caused by too much alcohol.Other liver function tests can be abnormal if certain drugs are making the chemical factory work too hard, or if the liver is being damaged by drugs.Or it could mean that the liver is affected by an infection, like a viral hepatitis or damaged by some other disease process.

What kind of alcohol effects the liver?

As far as i know, every kind of alcohol effects the liver. In short, there are numerous liver diseases related to alcohol consumption: Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen; bleeding from veins in the esophagus; enlarged spleen; high blood pressure in the liver; changes in mental function, and/or coma; kidney failure; liver cancer; psoriasis; alcohol hepatitis; and Alcoholic cirrhosis

What are negative effects of gamma rays?

I think gamma radiation is actualy harmful and can kill people

What are the ill effects of liquor?

drunkeness intoxication liver damage high blood pressure

Does gamma have high or low energy?

Gamma have very high energy.

Eating for healthy liver function?

Over time, the liver accumulates a myriad of toxins that can decrease overall liver function. A liver cleansing diet should be utilized to flush out the toxin buildup in the liver. Fruits contain a high amount of antioxidants dietary fiber. Pears, apples and oranges are effective foods for liver cleansing due to the high amount of pectin they contain. Pectin is a type of acid that cleans the intestinal tract and improves liver function. Vegetables are another food essential for cleansing the liver. Leafy vegetables such as cabbage and kale provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

What are liver function teste?

My little boy had one of these recently. A liver function test is done to determine how well the liver works. Its done by taking a blood sample and testing how many liver cells are detected in the bloodstream. A high amount of cells detected would mean there's a problem with how well your liver is working.

What are Gamma rays a part of?

Gamma rays are high-energy photons.

What do you know about the gammas wave?

Gamma ray is a form of high energy radiation. Gamma rays have very short wavelength. Gamma rays are high in frequency and have very high penetration power.

Improve wellness with the liver diet?

A healthy liver is essential for overall health and wellness. A poorly functioning liver can lead to negative symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, dry skin and tiredness. The liver diet can support healthy liver function and restore feelings of wellness. Fruits and vegetables contain essential nutrients that support liver function. Fruits high in antioxidants can protect the liver from excess heavy metals in the body. Fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, grapefruit and apples contain high amounts of antioxidants. Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage contain glucosinolates that assist with enzyme production in the liver.

Is liver high in fat?

liver is not high in fat

What is another name for gamma radiation?

Gamma radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a short wavelength and therefore high frequency and high energy per photon. Gamma radiation is also known as gamma rays.