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Q: What are the main differences between how deep-water solitary coral colonies and shallow water reef building coral colonies get their nutrition?
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What building was at the center of the English colonies'?

A building :d

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What was the differences between Plymouth and Virginia colonies?

They are different states.

Why was the capitol building?

The capitol building was created as a general gathering spot. When the building was first created it was in the center of the colonies.

Policy of taking colonies and building an empire?

A policy of taking colonies and building an empire is known as imperialism. An example of imperialism would be the former British Empire.

What jobs did people have in the middle colonies colonies?

Farming ,fishing ,ship building,kid watching

Was ship building whaling and fishing in the middle colonies?

shipbuilding,whaling,fishing in the middle colonies

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poets and writers Building

Why was the capitol building created?

The capitol building was created as a general gathering spot. When the building was first created it was in the center of the colonies.

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These differences affected the race for American colonies by spreading out the whole country and affecting the people and their plans

Why did the Albany plan of union fail?

Because of the many differences between the colonies...Relligion, class differences, etc... It would make it hard for cooperation. But it is significant because it is the first effort made in uniting the colonies.

What were the differences of the 13 colonies in early America?

trade and slavery. also religion