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Q: What are the man made boundaries of wv?
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Are political boundaries man made?

Yes, political boundaries are man-made although they may follow geological boundaries such as shorelines, rivers, or mountains.

Is Yosemite man made or natural?

The boundaries, trails, roads and buildings are man-made. The rest of the park is natural.

What are artificial boundaries?

An artificial boundary is a boundary that is man made instead of naturally formed by nature. These boundaries include fences and dams.

What are some examples of man-made boundaries?

fence,a road,great wall of china

What states border is made by 6 other states and makes the most coal?

wv wv

Are there man made boundaries in Australia?

Yes, bounddrys between the states and teritorys. they are however only lines on maps.

What country are wv motors made in?


Does WV accept wills made in FL?

If the will meets the requirements in WV there shouldn't be a problem. The majority of the states have similar laws and I see nothing in the WV code that will prevent them from honoring it.

What is political boundaries?

a boundary that is man made.

How can you tell the difference between physical and political boundaries?

Physical boundaries are natural features like mountains or rivers that separate regions, whereas political boundaries are man-made lines denoting the borders of countries or territories established by governments. Physical boundaries are determined by nature, while political boundaries are decided by human agreement and often subject to change.

How were California's boundaries made?

mountain ranges

How are class boundaries made in median?

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