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In ancient times the fruit of the mandrake was used in medicine as a narcotic and as an antispasmodic. Also, it was, and still is in some parts of the Middle East, regarded as an aphrodisiac and as able to increase human fertility or aid in conception.

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Q: What are the mandrakes referred to in the Bible?
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When was medicine first mentioned in the Bible?

Possibly mandrakes. In Genesis 30:14 they are mentioned. Mandrakes are thought to promote conception.

Where was the first drug deal in the Bible made?

Gen. 30:14-16 Rueben found some mandrakes in a field and gave them to his mother, Leah. Racheal made a deal with Leah that their husband will sleep with Leah that night for some mandrakes. F.Y.I. mandrakes are part of the nightshade plant family, and when ground up was used as an aphrodisiac.

Why did rachel want the mandrakes of Leah's sons?

Rachel wanted the mandrakes because she believed they would aid in her fertility and help her conceive a child. Mandrakes were thought to have aphrodisiac properties and were associated with increasing fertility.

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Wisdom is referred to as a she in the Bible because it refers to the population of a nation and can multiply.

Do mandrakes scream when uprooted?

No, it's a legend.

How were mandrakes used in the middle ages?

Mandrakes have been used since Biblical times in magic and alchemy. There is a link to an article below that explains more.

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Griffins are never referred to in the Bible .

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What are mandrakes used for in Harry Potter?

Mandrakes are a plant that helps restore those who have been petrified to their original state. Their cry is also fatal to those who hear it. Mandrakes were first introduced in the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and then are mentioned briefly in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Are mandrakes nonfiction?

Yes, mandrakes are real plants with a long history of folklore and traditional beliefs associated with them. However, they are often portrayed in a more mystical or fantastical way in fiction and popular culture.