

What are the most common dinosaurs?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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12y ago

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well since hes the only one alive that would be barney the dinosaur

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Q: What are the most common dinosaurs?
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Was most of the dinosaurs plant eaters or meat eaters?

Most dinosaurs were plant eaters. This is because plants are more common than animals.

Are there more meat eaters or more plant eaters?

In the Mesozoic, just as today, carnivores couldn't survive without there being far more herbivores than carnivores. For example, the most common dinosaurs in the Cretaceous were the herbivorous dinosaurs called hadrosaurs. In the Jurassic, the most common dinosaurs were sauropods, which were also herbivores.

Are birds considered dinosaurs?

No, but it is pretty clear that birds descended from the 'therapod' dinosaurs. Of course, birds have evolved and improved a lot since the age of dinosaurs. One of the most common of the therapoda was the Tyrannosaurus rex.

Are birds most recent common ancestor to dinosaurs?

They are generally considered to be the closest living relatives.

Were most dinosaurs Carnivores or Herbivores?

Just like today, carnivorous animals in the Mesozoic needed a much larger population of herbivores than carnivores in order to survive. Therefor, there were far more herbivorous than carnivorous dinosaurs. One example of this was the fact that the most common large dinosaurs in the Cretaceous were hadrosaurs, a group of herbivores.

Were most dinosaurs carnivals or herbivores?

Most dinosaurs were herbivores. There was a wide variety or carnivorous dinosaurs, though, and all herbivorous dinosaurs evolved from the earliest carnivorous dinosaurs. Birds are descendants of carnivorous dinosaurs.

How could you find out if some types of plants alive today were also living at the time of the dinosaurs?

Most common types of ferns, and several of the conifers were growing on earth at the time of the dinosaurs.

How were pterodactyls differant from most dinosaurs?

Pterodactylus and other flying reptiles, collectively known as pterosaurs, do not belong to the clade Dinosauria, and thus aren't dinosaurs. This is because they did not evolve from the common ancestor of all dinosaurs. All dinosaurs were terrestrial animals, and with the exception of birds, they couldn't fly. All pterosaurs were winged quadrupeds, and at least most of them were capable of flight.

What are dinosaurs most closely related to?

Dinosaurs are most closely related to birds to the extent that birds are cnsidered a branch of dinosaurs.

Are the Dinosaurs covered with spines?

Some dinosaurs did have spines but most did not. The main body coverings of most dinosaurs were scales and feathers.

Do reptiles have dinosaur dna?

No. While reptiles have some DNA in common with dinosaurs, they are not descended from dinosaurs.