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The word symptoms would suggest that Aspergers is an illness, it is a condition. The signs that somebody has Aspergers are the same in both men and women. Here are some of the signs that a person has Aspergers; No, or limited eye contact, the person may develop an obsession or area of knowledge that takes over their life, the person's social skills may be poor, and the person may become distressed if their routine is changed.

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11y ago

Adult Asperger's is characterized much as it is in children. There are the same social and communication deficits; Aspys have fixated interests such as computers, games, etc. They engage in repetitive behaviors; rocking in an office chair is common. They have some trouble maintaining relationships, other than those long term relationships they are familiar with. It can be very frustrating when attempting to establish new friendships because of their fixations; they may appear to be "stalking" someone when all they are trying to do is follow through on a thought, i.e., the idea of making a new friend. They still have, as they did as children, excessive attachments to objects, routines and interests. Gaming, computers, and movies are some of the most common fixations. When they start something they must finish it. They have a tendency to talk only about what they are interested in and seem to "drift" when listening to others. My son was taught by me and my daughter to make eye contact and to ask questions if someone is trying to converse; this can help them to appear less "obsessed". They truly crave friendships and long for relationships, but they can't always convey that in a socially acceptable way. Those who come into contact with them should make an effort to be kinder and more patient and less critical of something that is not widely understood. I see that people are usually accepting of Asperger's in children, but they have no patience with adult Aspys; they think Aspys should have "outgrown" this behavior. They will never outgrow it; it's a fact of life as much as eye color and height are.

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13y ago

Many women with Asperger syndrome are not identified at present. Generalising, we tend to be quieter and more well-behaved than men, so may not present any sort of challenge to school teachers. Instead we're often thought of as quiet, shy, obsessive, having OCD, having eating disorders, having anxiety disorders or as having depression (nearly all the result of the stress of trying to cope without help and adaptation). Often the actual overall cause isn't discovered until much later in life.

We tend not to have so many single interests as the men, and we tend to be better at social skills than the men.

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11y ago

Hand flapping and sometime's but not always clumsiness

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10y ago

There are many symptoms of Asperger Syndrome. For example, sufferers tend to struggle with social interactions, repetition of behavior and clumsiness.

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