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Q: What are the most distinctive landmarks of the peoples and civilizations of the Americas?
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From where did Indigenous peoples in America come?

Indigenous peoples in America are descendants of the earliest settlers who migrated to the Americas over thousands of years ago from Asia via the Bering land bridge. They established distinct cultures, languages, and civilizations across North and South America.

Who were the first peoples who migrated to the Americas?

The first people in the Americas were bands of hunter-gatherers.

What social classes were common in early civilizations?

suck peoples dick and suck peoples sweet vagina

The Nile River was essential to live in which civilizations?

Mainly the peoples of Egypt and Sudan.

Peoples brought to the Americas against their will and forced to work for the colonists?


How was European culture diffused throughout the Americas as a result of European expansion?

Europeans sought to spread their religion to indigenous peoples in the Americas through preaching trade and taking over indigenous peoples lands

How did the major classical civilizations influence the peoples living near their borders?

because they lived there

What name have anti-Pilgrim protesters given to Thanksgiving?

Sometimes, Thanksgiving is known as Unthanksgiving. It is to honor the indigenous peoples of the Americas and promote their rights.

Who was the first american to invent sewing?

The First Nations Peoples of the Americas practiced this craft.

What is 1 theory about how early peoples migrated from Asia to the Americas?

cause no diseases existed

How lucky were the Meso-Americans?

The Meso-Americans were indeed lucky. For they managed to keep their civilizations going for more than 600 years. They organized their civilizations in such a way as to win the respect of the peoples of their time, and of subsequent times. For example, the agricultural, architectural, artistic, astronomical and organizational achievements of the Maya astound the peoples of today just as much as the peoples of their day.

Where was the Etruscan homeland?

The people probably entered Europe as nomads perhaps over three thousand years ago in the movement of peoples westward who provided the basis for the Italian and Greek peoples, and settled in north central Italy where they established a distinctive culture.