

What are the most important languages in business?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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It depends on what you want to Do? Spanish if in America French if in Europe Chinese if anywhere

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Q: What are the most important languages in business?
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English Chinese Spanish and depending on the type of business, one of the regional languages associated with that business. For example, in oil and petrochemicals, Arabic is good. In tourism, French and German area excellent choices.

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Languages that are important depend on one's personal and professional goals. However, some universally important languages include English for global communication, Mandarin for business in China, Spanish for international trade in Latin America, and Arabic for diplomatic and business relations in the Middle East.

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Hi all, The Single most important quality in business is to know the risk involved in that business. Regards Kunal

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what is the most important source

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The most widely spoken languages in the world are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, and Arabic. These languages have large numbers of native speakers and are used in international communication and business.