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Q: What are the most important last names in Puerto Rico?
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How many miles from Puerto Rico to Greece?

There are 5, 347 miles from Puerto Rico to Greece. A flight from Puerto Rico to Greece would last about 30 hours and 10 minutes.

Is padilla a last name in Puerto Rico?

Yes it can be.

What was Puerto Rico called before it was called Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico was first named San Juan Bautista (Saint John the Baptist as in the Bible) by the Spanish settlers.

What is the least common last name in Puerto Rico?


What is the most popular last name in Puerto Rico?

Rivera, Santiago

Puerto Rican last names starting with h?

Many Puerto Rican last names comes from Spanish. The most common Puerto Rican last name that starts with H is Hernandez.

What is the most common last name in Puerto Rico?

morales is the most common last name

Is it true that Ayala is Puerto Rican?

Yes. My teacher's ex-husband is from Puerto Rico and his last name is Ayala.

What is the time difference between England and the Puerto Rico?

England is 5 hrs. ahead of Puerto Rico from the last Sun. of March until the last Sun. of Oct. and 4 hrs. ahead the rest of the year.

How many storm did Puerto Rico had?

Puerto Rico might see 6 hurricanes passed by or close by or actually hit every summer. Puerto Rico has probably seen 6 very bad hurricanes inthe last one hundred years

What is the last Spanish colony in the America and is a common wealth of the US?

Puerto Rico.

What was the date of the last election for the governor of Puerto Rico?

November 6, 2012.