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They Prepare repots for the president on special topics,helps write bills for the president to send to the congress,they check on the work of many different agencies of the executive brach


-Yania (:

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12y ago

Office of Management and Budget is the most important because this agency prepares the federal budget and monitors spending in hundreds of government agencies.

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The EOP is made up of three main parts what are they?

The EOP is made up of three main parts what are they? Personal Staff, Institutional Staff and the Cabinet. It was hard to find. I looked forever. I found it at:

What agencies work most directly with the president?

The Executive Office of the President (EOP)

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Im Gyeong Eop died in 1646.

When was Im Gyeong Eop born?

Im Gyeong Eop was born in 1594.

Why was an EOP was not needed prior to 1993's?

the great depresion played a big role in the need for an EOP because the EOP is a financial asistance program

Technology that can be use in eop?

Some people understand eop to mean Equal Oportuny Programs. The usefullness of technology in this meaning of eop is changing very fast simply because the prime concern in this eop is what helps the patient. There can be no one answer.

Which part of the EOP is hazard-specific?

The part of the EOP that is hazard-specific is Section 301.250. It is called Hazard Specific Annexes. EOP stands for Emergency Operations Plan.

Which part of the EOP is hazard -specific?

The part of the EOP that is hazard-specific is Section 301.250. It is called Hazard Specific Annexes. EOP stands for Emergency Operations Plan.

Important parts of the back of the eye cell?

The most important parts of the cell are rods and cones

Which is the largest department within the EOP?

The Office of Management and Budget is the largest department within the EOP.

Monitoring of EOPs is performed by?

EOP can stand for many different things, so it depends on which EOP is being asked about. EOP can stand for Educational Opportunity Program, and in that case, the program is monitored by the university.

When was the EOP created?