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The most valid sources of knowledge are first person sources. These are sources where the information originates and hasn't been altered by anyone else. This information can often be found in autobiographies or from the person themselves.

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Q: What are the most valid sources of knowledge and their sources?
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What are some sources of knowledge?

Old books that were published before censorship occuredAccording to Hindu Scriptures, any valid source of knowledge (Pramanam) should pass the following test1. It should reveal an object not revealed through another source of knowledge. For example the eyes are valid source of knowledge because the reveal colors and forms which cannot be revealed through other sources of knowledge (the ears or smell etc. cannot reveal colors and forms)2. The knowledge revealed cannot be contradicted by another source of knowledge. The color of an object revealed by the eyes cannot be contradicted by the ears or smell or touch etc.)3. The knowledge produced should be unambiguous4. The knowledge produced should be definite (ears revealing sounds without meaning are not a valid source)

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At the time of the scientific revolution, sources of knowledge dealing primarily with mathematics and astronomy were most often referred to. The scientific revolution began in the mid-1500s.

Which sources of knowledge were most central to the scientific revolution?

At the time of the scientific revolution, sources of knowledge dealing primarily with mathematics and astronomy were most often referred to. The scientific revolution began in the mid-1500s.

Can a company file a UCC-1 on your property without your knowledge?

You would have knowledge of a valid UCC since you would need to sign it.You would have knowledge of a valid UCC since you would need to sign it.You would have knowledge of a valid UCC since you would need to sign it.You would have knowledge of a valid UCC since you would need to sign it.

What are the sources of knowledge?

Previous generations' stories and drawings, and books are some sources of cultural knowledge.

What are the sources of cultural knowledge?

Sources of cultural knowledge include oral traditions, written records, art, music, literature, folklore, rituals, customs, and practices passed down through generations within a community or society. These sources help preserve and transmit the beliefs, values, traditions, and ways of life of a particular culture. Advances in technology, globalization, and communication also play a role in shaping and sharing cultural knowledge.

Is Thevinin's theorem valid with the presence of dependent sources?

While some feel that Thevenin's (commonly misspelled as Thevinin's) Theorem is made invalid by dependent sources, rather than independent sources, most hold his theories valid. This is largely due to the superposition theorem, proven by combining Thevenin's theorem with Norton's.

What statement is not a valid description or definition of knowledge?

Information has been uncovered about the Battle of the Little Bighorn

Which strategy would a historian most likely use to determine whether a source is valid?

checking its conclusions against other sources

What are the three sources of knowledge of kinesiology?

3 sources og kinesiology

What is aggregated knowledge- the phrase not the company?

Aggregated knowledge would be knowledge collected from many sources.

What is the definition of valid sources?

Valid sources are materials used to back up a position, whether in speeches, writing or other kinds of debatable subjects. Good judgment is necessary when looking for a valid source as the Internet has made information overload an issue when researching.