

What are the named Holy books?

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10y ago

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For Christians New Testament and Old Testament create the Holy Bible. For the Jewish,

Torrah and Qur'an

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Q: What are the named Holy books?
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The Holy Bible

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There is no state in the US that is named after a holy day. The city of Corpus Christi is named after the holy day, Corpus Christi.

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Sikhs and Jews do not share any of the same holy books.

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The holy books of Judaism are the first five books of the modern King James version of the Holy Bible. These are Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and Numbers.

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The holy books in Judaism are the books of the Hebrew Bible.Places of worship:Jews worship in synagogues.See also:What are the Jewish Holy Books called?More about Jewish worship

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Holy books of Hinduism include the Rig Veda, and the Bhagavad-Gita.

What are some of the the religious books called?

There are many holy books to help sustain different faiths. There are Catholic holy books, there are Jewish holy books, there are Muslim holy books, there are Christian holy books, and many other types of holy books for differing faiths. It helps to know which faith you are wanting to learn about. There are many online sources for differing faiths.

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Did the Romans have a holy book?

no they didn't.all holy books were burnt!

What are the major holy books of Christians?

The Holy Bible is the major holy book of Christians.

How do people treat holy books in islam?

Muslims believe in all God holy books and treat them with respect.

How many holy books?

there are 6 holy books they are the vedas the upanisads the smrutis the ramayana the mahabharata annd the puranas