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Q: What are the names of satellites or robots that been on neptune?
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Has neptune been explored by any satellites or robots if so what is their name and what year?


What are the names of the satellites that have explored Neptune's?

There has only been one: Voyager 2.

Do Neptune have robots or satellites in orbit?

The Voyager 2 space probe flew past Neptune in 1989. Other than that it has only been observed by Earth-based telescopes.

Have any satellites or robots explored neptune?

Yes or else how would we know anything about it

Did any robots or satellites traveled in Uranus and what are there name?

no there hasnt been any robots or anything

What discoveries and facts have been made by man-made satellites on Neptune?

There has only been one probe to Neptune and that was "Voyager 2".

Have any satellites been on Neptune?

Voyager 2 visited it in 1989.

did any satellites or robots been to Saturn?

The Cassini-Huygens mission reached Saturn in 2004

How many satellite or robots have been sent to neptune and when?

Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to have visited Neptune. The probe's closest approach to Neptune was on 25 August 1989.

What are some robots that landed on Neptune?

None. Neptune does not have a surface that something could land on. The only exploration of Neptune has been by the space probe Voyager 2, which flew past Neptune in 1989.

Why does Neptune have 52 moons?

It doesn't. Neptune currently has thirteen discovered moons. You are probably mistaking Neptune and Saturn. Saturn has 60 satellites discovered so far, 52 which have been declared moons and have official names, 8 which are still being assessed whether they are moons or asteroids before naming.

How many satellites have been to uranus?

100 and there is life on uranus... go check