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Q: What are the names of specialised reproductive cells?
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Name three specialised animal cells?

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What specialised cell is used in reproduction?

The gamete. Haploid egg and sperm cells in sexually reproducing organisms.

What specialised cells are there?

Skin cells, brain cells, blood cells, etc.

What reproductive cells call?

Reproductive cells are called GAMETES.

Reproductive cells are known as cells?

The reproductive or sex cells are also called gametes.

Which are the reproductive cells?

the haploid cells or the gammet cells are also known as the reproductive cells in animals, they are also known as the sex cells

What is a non reproductive cell?

what is a non-reproductive cell?

When are reproductive cells produced?

Reproductive cells start to produce when you hit puberty.

What reproductive cells are known as?

The reproductive or sex cells are also called gametes.

5Describe the differences between mature sperm cells and reproductive cells?

Reproductive cells divide to make sperm cells.

What is the reproductive process for a cell?

reproductive cells

What are cells called with half the genetic information?

Haploid, 1N cells, reproductive cells. Not all haploid cells are reproductive cells