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reproductive cells

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Q: What do egg cells develop from?
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What is true of all of the new cells that develop from the fertilized egg?

The new cells have the exact same genetic information as the fertilized egg. (Study Island)

Where do pollen tubes develop to transport the male sperm cells to the female egg cells in the ovary?

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Where did people came from?

People came from the sperm cells and the egg cells fuses then there become a body and develop to a body for 9 months.

Where people came from?

People came from the sperm cells and the egg cells fuses then there become a body and develop to a body for 9 months.

What is the egg produced by female's called?

It's called the Egg...

Where do germ cell tumors develop?

Germ cell tumors develop in the egg-producing cells of the ovary, and comprise about 5% of ovarian tumors.

What form do egg cells start out as?

When an egg is being formed, it starts out as a follicle. There are many follicles in the ovaries, with only a few that actually develop into eggs.

Cells produced in ovaries?

Certain follicles present in the ovaries, develop to form egg cells. If you are confused about cells in ovaries overall....then remember all organs are made up of cells, why the astonishment?

Where are the moss egg cells produced?

Moss egg cells, also known as archegonia, are produced in the reproductive structures called gametangia, which are located at the tips of the gametophyte plant body. These gametangia develop on the female moss plants, and each gametangium contains an egg cell.

Does the head develop fist in the egg for a chick?

Fetal development of a chick is quite interesting and complicated. After the egg is laid it takes only three weeks for the chick to come out of the egg. When the egg is laid, all the cells inside the egg are exactly the same. Then the backbone and head develop. Blood is formed on the second day and limbs start to grow on the third day.

Where are egg cells released from?

Egg cells are released from the ovaries.

Do plasma cells develop from t cells after exposure to an antigen?

Plasma cells develop from b cells.