

Best Answer

Sense, smell, and nose are nouns.

Your is a possessive pronoun, acting as an adjective.

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Q: What are the nouns in the sentence Your sense of smell is located in the nose?
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Where is an ants sense of smell located?

the ants sense of smell is located in the antenae

Are sense and smell nouns?

The words 'sense' and 'smell' function as both verbs and nouns.Example uses as nouns:Common sense is based in logic.Skunks have a bad smell.Example uses as verbs:I sense danger.I smell a skunk.

What are the nouns in the sentence most people like the smell of delicious foods mowed grass and clean rain?

The nouns in the sentence are:peoplesmellfoodsgrassrain

What is a noun sentence using smell?

I've got a good sense of smell

What is the word sense in a sentence?

He used his smelling sense to smell the good food....

Which word in the sentence does the adjective modify The grassy smell reminds you of summer?

Adjectives describe nouns. The adjective in that sentence is "grassy", and it's describing the noun "smell".

Which sentence appeals most to the sense of smell?

fish or bread

What is an example sentence for the word olfactory?

The sense of smell is olfactory .

Does this sentence make sense Flowers contribute to the very nice smell in your garden?

Well - it makes perfect sense to me !

What bird locates its prey by smell?

Generally, birds of prey do not have a keen sense of smell. The vulture is one that does, and located their prey by smell.

Where is the olefactory bulb located?

The olfactory bulb (for the sense of smell) is located in the limbic system of the brain.

What is a sentence for the word sense?

"the bear has a keen sense of smell that enables it to hunt at dusk" or "with the first frost, they could sense a change in the days".