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There are not laws prohibiting the non-custodial parent from living wherever they so choose. The difference in living locales is seldom a factor when visitation is granted; it does mean the visitation process is the responsiblity of the non-custodial parent. Meaning said parent has to provide safe and acceptable transportation of the children if they are to visit at his or her residence or provide their own transportation and lodging in the locale where the children reside. Sometimes the court will order both parents to share in the costs of the children's "commuting arrangements", this is dependent upon the financial status of both parents.

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Q: What are the odds of a judge not granting geographical limitations if you move to a different city in Texas 600 miles away with no family or support there but the father is active and not married?
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I don't see why you would have limitations unless you place these limitations you refer to on yourself. Many young people today are doing everything a married couple would do even having children so why you would think there are limitations placed on you is beyond me. In the eyes of God there is no contact until you are married. In the eyes of the law, you are both over 18, so there is no problem there. And you can get married without parental permission.

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ofcourse. marrying to someone you love and special in your hearts has no limitations. and as long as no body can be hurt or no one is committed already ....(like he or she is already married to an opposite sex)

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Well your married already so its stupid to get married again.

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This is going to be tricky. As long as the individual is married to two individuals, the time is not going to begin, as the crime is continuing to be committed. The second marriage is going to be held invalid. But the standard statute of limitations for a felony is 5 years in Indiana.