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Q: What are the often practiced illegal activities in India?
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Where in Asia is the religion called Hinduism most often practiced?

India... (obviously)

Where is fox hunting practiced?

Fox hunting is often practiced by rich people on their own land. Sometimes fox hunting is practiced in nearby forests.

What is the adverb Becky practiced often and became a famous juggler?

Often, as it is saying about how she practices.

How do the greasers break the law?

The greasers in "The Outsiders" break the law by engaging in activities such as vandalism, stealing, running away, and fighting with the rival group, the Socs. They often find themselves in trouble with the police due to their involvement in these illegal activities.

Why is the black market illegal?

The black market is illegal because it involves the trading of illegal goods or services, evading taxes and regulations, and often contributing to criminal activities. It undermines the legal economy and poses risks to public safety and security.

What does the slang word parlor mean?

"Parlor" is a slang term that refers to a place where illegal activities such as gambling or drug use occur, often in a secret or discreet manner. It is commonly used in reference to underground establishments or rooms where such activities take place.

What country do you eat with your fingers?

In many cultures, it is common to eat with your fingers, including countries like India, Ethiopia, and parts of Africa. Eating with your hands is seen as a cultural tradition and is often practiced during certain meals or dishes.

What is chaste life?

A chaste life typically refers to abstaining from sexual relations or activities outside of marriage. It is often associated with purity, self-control, and moral restraint in one's conduct and relationships. Chastity can be practiced for religious, ethical, or personal reasons.

Is calling in school illegal?

No, it is generally not illegal, but it is often against school rules.

What is meant by 'on the books' and 'off the books'?

'On the books' refers to transactions or activities that are recorded in official financial records, such as accounting books or financial statements. 'Off the books' refers to transactions or activities that are not recorded in official financial records, often done to avoid taxes or hide illegal activities.

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