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It is DNA.

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Q: What are the packets of information in each cells nucleus called?
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What organelle inside of the nucleus contains the cells genetic information?

the nucleus contains a cells genetic information

What are cells that contains a nucleus called?

Cells with a nucleus are known as eukaryotes. Cells without nulcei are called prokaryotes.

What are cells called with out nucleus?

There is no such thing called a cell that has no nucleus.

Cells that have a nucleus are called?

Eukaryotic cells.

What is a eukaryote cell?

A eukaryotic cell is a cell that has a "true nucleus". This is because the genetic information is stored in a membrane called nuclear membrane. A prokaryotic cells do not have this "true" nucleus because their genetic information is suspended in a region called nucleoid. A eukaryotic cell also contains membrane-bound organelles, which are made up of phospholipid bilayer.

Where do red blood cells store the cells information?

The nucleus

What is the genetic material that carries information needed to make news cells and new organisms called?


Large structure that contains the cells genetic information?


What do all cells have for storing information?

Animal and plant cells contain a nucleus. The nucleus is considered to be the 'brain' of a cell. This means that the nucleus will contain all the information the cell needs.

Why is the nucleus necessary?

The nucleus is necessary because it is the control center of the cell. It contains the hereditary information (DNA) and because of that it controls the reproduction of the cell as well. Not all cells have a nucleus. Cells without a nucleus are called Prokaryotes and they are all unicellular. i hope this was helpful!

What is in all cells?

Nucleus. Edit: The nucleus is only found in Eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells do not have one. All cells do have some kind of genetic information but its not always contained in the nucleus.

In the cells of most organisms genetic information is contained in the what?

In eukaryotic cells, most genetic information is stored within the nucleus. Mitochondria within the cell also have unique genetic information. In prokaryotic cells, genetic information is in an area called the nucleolus.