

Best Answer

Parts of a business letter not found on a personal letter:

  • letterhead (or senders address for plain paper)
  • inside address,
  • reference line (if applicable)
  • name of sender printed or typed under signature
  • enclosures listed (if applicable)
  • copy (Cc)
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Q: What are the parts of business letter which are not found on personal letter?
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What are the two special parts of a business letter?

Two parts found on a business letter that are not used in a personal letter are:the inside addressthe reference line

What parts do the business letter and personal letter have in common?

Parts of a business letter that are part of a personal letter:date,salutation,body,complimentary closesignature

How are business letters and personal business letters alike?

A business letter and a personal business letter are exactly alike except that a personal business letter may be hand written. Hand written, typed, or composed by word processing, personal and professional business letters should have the same parts, the same focus to achieve the desired results.

Which of the six parts of a business letter is not found in a personal letter?

Parts of a business letter:letterhead (or senders address for plain paper),date,inside address,reference line (if applicable)salutation,body,complimentary closesignaturename of sender printed or typedenclosures listed (if applicable)copy (Cc)

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What are the parts to a business letter?

Parts of a business letter:headingInside AddressSalutationbodyclosingSignature

Is the signature one of the main parts of a business letter?

Yes, the signature is one of the main (essential) parts of a business letter.

What are parts to a personal business letter?

Parts of a business letter:letterhead (or senders address for plain paper),date,inside address,reference line (if applicable)salutation,body,complimentary closesignaturename of sender printed or typedenclosures listed (if applicable)

Is it true that a business letter has five parts?


What are the 6 parts of personal letter?

why wont u answer correctly!?

What are the parts of a personal letter?

return addressdatesalutationbodycomplimentary closesignaturetyped name