

Best Answer

Let's see...there are many:

Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft

Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, Inc.

Walt Disney, who was told when young that he couldn't draw, the founder of Disney

Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart

Many others who had a dream and were "dumb" enough to pursue it!

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Q: What are the people in America who are as dumb as the people who made this website?
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ROBLOX was made in America, Yet it is played all countries that speak English. ROBLOX is also server hosted in America

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He made dumb people learn something

Are Harley Davidson Knives made in America?

"According to their website, Harley Davidson knives are in fact mostly made in America. There are some which aren't, and there are products which are made in China. However the majority are from America."

What religion is Jesse Owens?

What do you think butt-head don't ask me I don't know anything about this Jesse Owens guy that is why I came to this website but it is a dumb website and I am never using this website again!

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jeff jr.,varina anne, margret, and billy

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first the ugly people became stupid and stupid until they were dumb and dead

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myspace was First And twitter and THEN DUMB FACEBOOK!. Myspace is better than all <333Myspace<3333

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For your info America's color is white because this state they told me that this is only made for white people.... Also white is for white people, blue stands for the sky, and red stands for bravery.........I THINK.................WELL ACTUALLY I GUESS ..............................DO NOT ... DO NOT ..... PUT THIS AS YOUR REASERCH....... BECUASE I JUST THOUGHT ABOUT THIS SO THIS IS DUMB U KNOW.......................................................................................................................The colors of the United States of America are red, white, and blue.

Why did people make this website?

people made this website because people need other people to answer questions that they don't know the answer to.