

What are the phonetic symbols of all the alphabets?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The world uses more than 10,000 phonetic symbols in all of the alphabets and syllabaries of every language. There are too many to list here. See related links for a great website.

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Q: What are the phonetic symbols of all the alphabets?
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How is the International Phonetic Alphabet different from other alphabets?

Alphabets generally only represent the sounds of one single language. IPA represents the sounds of ALL languages on Earth, and includes hundreds of symbols.

How diffent are ideograms cueniforms and phonetic alphabets?

Ideograms are symbols that represent entire words or concepts, but don't give a clue as to how the word is pronounced. An example of an ideogram is & (which is pronounced AND in English and Y in Spanish, but has the same meaning in both languages). Cuneiforms are highly stylized ideograms, using a tool that creates little, wedge-like strokes. Some cuneiforms (in the later history of languages that use them) are phonetic. Phonetic alphabets only have symbols that represent sounds, not words.

Is there a reason why the Hebrew alphabet is written in symbols?

All alphabets are written in symbols. The Hebrew symbols are just different from the English symbols.

In the phonetic alphabet what word represents the letter z?

There are a number of phonetic alphabets, but Zulu is used for "Z" in many.

What where Phoenicians achievements?

The Phoenicians are best remembered for having invented the phonetic alphabet, from which all modern phonetic alphabets are derived (including the one with which I am typing this answer). In addition they were accomplished traders and sailors.

Why is a phonetic alphabet more consistent than a conventional alphabet?

First of all, most alphabets on the planet are phonetic. So a phonetic alphabet IS a conventional alphabet. A notable exception to this rule is English, which has a phonemic alphabet instead of a phonetic one. A phonetic alphabet is more consistent because there is no ambiguity regarding pronunciation.

Which people laid the foundations for the phonetic alphabets used throughout the West?


How did the alphabet originate?

The first semi-phonetic writing system was a set of 24 symbols used in Egyptian Hieroglyphics. The Phoenicians were the first to use only phonetic symbols. They had an alphabet of 22 consonants, but the vowels were not written. The Greeks were the first use us phonetic symbols for all the sounds of a language (the first pure alphabet)

Is english's alphabet is a phonetic alphabet?

NO WAYYY!!! Phonetic alphabets are ones that sound like they are spelled eg. knight (if phonetic) would be spelled nit or nite. The english language is one of the hardest languages.

How do you transcribe words into phonetic symbols?


Who introduced phonetic symbols?

The very first phonetic symbols were introduced by the Egyptions, around 2700 BCE. They were a set of 24 Hieroglyphics that represented consonant sounds.

Converter of English word into phonetic symbols?

There are various systems for representing English words in phonetic symbols, such as the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Each symbol in the IPA represents a specific sound in the word. To convert an English word into phonetic symbols, you would need to use a phonetic dictionary or refer to online resources that provide phonetic transcriptions.