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I think you mean "potential" rather than portable. Portable means something you can carry with you, while potential refers to something that is possible. The answer to this question depends on which group of people is answering. If you asked a dictator or tyrant, that person would definitely see potential problems with granting autonomy to journalists. Tyrants depend on total control of the press, so there is no criticism and the public is never informed about any of the bad things the leader is doing. Journalists who have freedom to report on the government might be critical of the leader and make him (or her) answer tough questions. That is why in certain countries, there is no freedom of the press, and journalists do not have autonomy-- they can only report what the leader permits them to report.

But it's not just tyrants who try to control the media -- even political leaders in some so-called democracies prefer that journalists not be told very much; there has always been a conflict between politicians (who want to only have positive stories written about them) and journalists (who want the right to report on both the positive things and the negative ones). Many political leaders get very upset when they think journalists are making them look bad. Sometimes, these leaders may try to punish the journalists by denying them access to events or press conferences. But usually, the average politician understands that in a free country, journalists will sometimes report in ways that are not positive; and unless you are in a country with no freedom of the press, reporters who ask questions are part of life.

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1mo ago

Granting autonomy to journalists may lead to a lack of oversight and accountability in their reporting, potentially leading to biased or inaccurate information being shared. Additionally, it could create conflicts of interest if journalists have personal or financial ties to the subjects they are reporting on. Finally, unchecked autonomy could jeopardize the credibility and reputation of the media organization as a whole.

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