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Q: What are the positive effect of ict?
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The effect that ICT has had upon businesses?

Discuss the effect of communication in the society positive and negative?

how does information communication affects the society itc they create unemployment Ict create moral decay

How does ICT effect the police?

other organizations could hack in the data base of the police and give out info

What are the positive impacts of ict on youth?

positive impacts are: computers are better negative impacts are: there are non

How does ict effect communities?

big hairy balls

How ict effect on local communities?

Boyaka shaka

How does ict effect game consoles?

because you have to program it

What effect does the Copyright Act have on ICT?

Copyright affects the use of software, the transmission of data, and more.

Positive and nagitive effect of hotel?

`the positive effect is that we can stay there for emergency and the negative is that it might not be hygienic

Is the plankton effect on the environment positive or negative?


What does positive and negative effects mean?

A positive effect is one that is favorable; a negative effect is one that is unfavorable.

How can Broken technology effect someone in ICT?

The Answer my dear boy is of course 42. the answer to every problem in the galaxy. woohoo