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The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general wellfare of the united states.

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Q: What are the powers congress have regarding taxes and trade?
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What are the six sovereign powers of congress?

Congress has been granted sovereign powers. These powers are the power to borrow money, the power to regulate Federal property, levying and collecting taxes, trade regulations, and military power.

How did northern and southern states compromise regarding the power of the congress over foreign trade and taxes?

Congress could tax goods coming into the country but not goods going out.

What powers would congress have New Jersey plan that it did not have under the articles of confederation?

They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

What powers did congress lack?

regulate trade set up army raise money with taxes force states to obey its laws

What powers would congress have under the New Jersey Plan that it did not have under the Articles of Confederation?

They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

What powers would congress have under the New Jersey plan that it did not have under articles of confederation?

They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

What are some expressed powers of congress that are written?

The powers of Congress that are written into the U.S. Constitution are called enumerated powers. The powers are set in the amendment of forth in Article I.

Is encouraging trade one of the delegated powers?

Trade is a delegated power to the US Congress.

What are examples of enumerated powers?

impose taxes and to trade with other nations

Which can congress do under the expressed powers to it by the constitution?

Regulate interstate trade.

What set limits on congress's powers concerning interstate and foreign trade?

Commerce and Slave-Trade Compromise

The Articles of Confederation limited the powers of what body?

The Articles of Confederation limited the powers of the central government, known as the Confederation Congress. This central government had limited authority and could not levy taxes or regulate trade, among other limitations.