

What are the prime color?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.

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13y ago
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Q: What are the prime color?
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What color is not prime color?

Burgundy is not a prime color. The prime colors are red, blue and yellow.

The red color is a prime color?

No, red is not a prime color, it is a primary color! It is one of the three primary colors- the other two being yellow and blue.

Which color is not prime color?

red, yellow, and blue are the three prime colors . sooo, brown, white, black, green, orange, purple, and pink would not be prime colors.

What color mixing give yellow?

None, yellow is a prime color.

Is blue prime?

Blue is a primary color.

What color is sentinel prime?

He is red and black.

What is blue and also black?

Blue is a prime color. Black is not a color, rather, it is a shade.

How do you draw a prime number chart?

On a chart with 1-100, highlight or color the boxes of numbers that are prime.

What colors do you mix to get Carolina blue?

none because blue is a prime color and prime colors can make colors but prime colors cant be made

Can you invent a new prime color?

dont worry about it lol

What color is soundwaves electronic things in transformer prime?


Why isn't white a prime color?

because you cant make it