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Low level programming language is a language that is not very abstracted from hardware layer.

Programming in low level languages usually requires manual memory management, use of pointers, and in case of assembler - CPU instructions themselves. This makes the programming much more difficult than using a high level language where these issues are taken care of for you.

However in general it is possible to write much 'tighter' code in low level languages. Where tighter means:-

smaller number of instructions

Better use of memory

Faster in execution.

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The B programming language is a high-levelprogramming language.

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high level language; is a computer language that is near to human language. high level programming is a process of programming high level language.Example,c++,java,cobol are one of them. The reverse is true for the low level language.

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xml is a markup language, it is not a programming language.

What is the main feature of the c programming language?

High-level language with low-level abstractions.

Examples of Low-Level Programming Language?

Machine code & Assembly language.

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A language that allows you to combine high-level programming with low-level programming. C and C++ are generally regarded as being mid-level languages.

What are the example of low-level programming language?

It are machine code and Assembly.

0's and 1s is Low-level programming language?

it is called binary code and this is the lowest level programming language you can track it by looking at a switch or a register in memory

What is the difference between high level language and low level language?

A programming language that is machine-independent is called a "high-level" language - this includes Java, C++, Python, etc. A programming language that is machine-dependent is called a "low-level" language. For PCs, this usually includes assembly, binary code or some proprietary languages on embedded devices.

What are the characteristics of low level languages?

Instructions are either in machine code - or they are one to one with machine code - Using mnemonic codes for operations - Using labels for addresses of data - Used for controlling the computer/close to hardware - Allows direct manipulation of memory addresses - Contains a code for the operation to be carried out... - and a binary representation of the value to be manipulated/address of the value to be manipulated. - Different forms of addressing mentioned. - Different forms of instruction: Arithmetic/Jump/Control

Is XML a programming language?

It is programming languages that are referred to in terms of "high level" and "low level".Extensible Markup Language(XML) is a markup language not a programming language, it is a data formatting specification that makes the presentation of data independent of programs (so that data can be passed between programs).For this reason the answer to your question is "neither".