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Q: What are the products made by George Washington carver?
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Former slave who made more than 300 products from peanuts?

george washington carver thats him silly

How many peanut products did George Washington Carver create?

George Washington Carver made exactly 325 peanut products.

Who made peanuts products?

George Washington Carver

Who made over 300 products?

George Washington Carver

Who made over 300 peanut products?

George Washington Carver

What was George Washington Carver talented at?

He made peanut products and 14 kinds of candies

How many products did George Washington Carver make from sweet potatoes?

George Washington Carver published bulletins for poor farmers to alternate their crops. As a result he developed and promoted 100 products made from peanuts that would be of use around the farm.

How many products did George Washington make from sweet potatoes?

George Washington carver made 108 things from sweet potatoes.almost 56 things

George Washington Carver do with peanuts?

he made common items like shampoo, dyes, and other products

Who made production?

George Washington Carver

How many products did George Washington Carver make out of peanuts?

He invented exactly 325 peanut products. Exactly 325 products made of peanuts.

Did George Washington Carver work with a partner?

No, George Washington Carver did not work with a partner. He was known for his independent work and research in the areas of agriculture and botany. Carver made significant contributions to agricultural science and was a pioneer in the development of various agricultural products and techniques.