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Q: What are the properties of signals?
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How was Alexander Graham Bell's telephone is related to electricity or magnetism?

Telephones converts sound into electrical signals, and backwards. Speakers with dynamic-coil transdusers convert electrical signals into sound by using the properties of electromagnetism.

Mathematics representation of converting electrical signals into electromagnetic waves?

i think mathematics representation of converting electrical signals in to electromafnetic waves means as we know signals are represent by mathematical equation that is by function.and all signals are represent by function,so since function can have its own wave properties the same as it also have electromagnetic waves . here is my address ""

Why does television signals travel through a vacuum?

television signals are communication signals, which can either be radio or microwave signals. These are both part of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the spectrum all the different signal types have some similar properties, including being able to travel through a vacuum, usually because they have a strong enough frequency and wavelength, and they don't need to travel in particles but waves :)

Voice signals are signals whereas computer signals are?

Voice signals are analog signals, whereas computer signals are digital .

What are the properties of infrared waves?

Infrared signals are the electromagnetic radiations with wavelengths longer than the visible light but shorter than the radio waves. Infrared signals, with frequencies from 300 GHz to 400 THz (wavelengths from 1 mm to 770 nm) can be used for the short range communication. Infrared signals, having high frequencies can not penetrate into the walls.By Robert John Smith

What properties of water help water move up the roots of a tree to the leaves of a tree against the force of gravity?

because of the signals from the tree it allows the water to move..

What instrument measures electrical signals?

The following instruments can all be involved in a measurement of electrical signals, depending on whether the signal is in wire or in the air, and depending on which of its properties and characteristics you want to measure: -- AC voltmeter -- AC ammeter -- power meter -- frequency counter -- field strength meter -- BER counter

What are hybrid signals?

Hybrid signals are the combination of both analog and digital signals

Define energy and power signal?

Here Energy signals are limited but power signals can exist to infinite distance. Non periodic signals are energy signals while power signals are periodic.

Which of digital signals and analog signals are more vulnerable to error?

Analogue signals are more vulnerable to error than digital signals. See the related question "Why digital signals are more noise free than analogue signals?" for more details.

Cell communication correlates with properties of living things being able to what?

Cell communication is the process by which a cell detects and responds to signals in its environment. Most single-celled organisms can perceive changes in nutri

What signals can be?

Closing signals can be verbal or nonverbal