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I think it is a great idea. You get an idea of what marriage would be like. It's much better to break up before getting married than to go through the whole wedding thing, (if your into that whole big wedding thing). And soon after find out you really aren't compatable. My wife and I lived together for 3 1/2 years before we got married. We just celerbrated our 6th wedding anniversary and things could not be better. Before decieding on getting married you should make sure you agree on kids. To have them or not. I strongly urge you NOT to have kids. We don't. Children are one of major reasons for divorce. If you do decied to have kids wait several years before you do. Spend time as a couple. Getting married and having kids right away gives no time for you to grow close as a couple. You would go from being single to having a family. There is a huge difference between being married and having a family with kids. Taking care if kids is a HUGE responsibility. Don't let your parents or his/hers pressure you into having kids. They may want grandchildren, but remember it will be you and your partner who is with the kids all the time, not the grandparents. When grandparents get tired of the grandkids they send them home. You would not be able to do that. I found no cons to living with my wife before we got married. She is my soul mate.

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14y ago

Pros: 1. Little planning needed. No invitations, wedding expenses, honeymoon expenses, name changes, prenup, blood test, photos 2. Fast. Gets one out of the dating scene. Away from the evils of AIDS etc. 3. Acts as a test for how well it will work, how well one gets along. 4. Cheaper than keeping up two places. "Two can live as cheaply as one" as long as one doesn't eat, drive separately or need healthcare. 5. If both people are sensible, they will tend to use Birth Control, which will save the couple money, time, sanity, and be environmentally more friendly. 6. Is often done secretly more or less, which can be an advantage or disadvantage. 7. Can be flexible, eg start and stop, restart, without legal hassles. Cons: 1. Looked down upon by many in society, especially conservatives. Looks more promiscious even if it is a committed relationship. 2. A little sordid, eg 'shacking up'. Less serious than marriage. 3. There is no celebration to notify and signify the importance of the occasion and the relationship 4. Statistically lower chance of sucess than marrying directly. 5. Disadvantage of marriage: Couple may be encouraged to have children quicker, which they may not be ready for or be able to afford. 6. Religious concerns. 7. There is not a lot of society and legal pressure to stay together if one party starts to lose interest (this can also be seen as a pro)

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13y ago

This is totally up to your beliefs and how you feel, but I think you should.

1. If your not ready to live together, your defiantly not ready to marry

2. Its a test run, if it works out well you can think about taking it to the next level

3. its important to really know each other before diving into marriage.

hope this helps.

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13y ago

First off, it shows a much higher level of dedication to the Relationship when you are Married. I do believe it is best to move in with each other first and see how well you get along before you jump into Marriage. If you can't handle being around the other person 24/7... it's probably not a good idea to get Married!

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12y ago

PROS: Someone to love, someone to love you.

A partner who will be there when you need them,

someone to talk to,

Someone to share th emost wonderful experiences with,

sex whenever you want,

Someone to trust in,

there is wayyyyy more pros

CONS: here are cons that SOME people consider cons

sex with one person the rest of your life

being faithful

being honest



sharing money

coming to agreements

meeting eachother half way

cant be selfish..many others

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16y ago

You are getting married, living together before the marriage is just taking the thrill and excitement out. Better get married first then live together.

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