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The pros are that these people will be better able to function in society.

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Q: What are the pros of mentally retarded kids going to school?
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Related questions

If two mentally retarded people have kids will the baby be affected?

its possible.

If you knew a woman who was pregnant who had 8 kids already three who were deaf two who were blind one mentally retarded and she had syphilis would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Not if the baby was going to grow up into Ludwig van Beethoven.

Should mentally retarded women be able to have kids?

It depends on the individual. Many people with 'learning difficulties' are perfectly capable of looking after a baby.

Do retarded kids look normal?

If the reason for the retardation is Down's Syndrome, the children have slanted eyes, flat faces, and small ears. Others that became mentally retarded because their brain was deprived of oxygen at birth have no features that show they are different.

How many kids stop going to school because of bulling?

200 kids stop going to school because of bulling.

Can a mentally retarded person quit school if they want to at 16 or so?

As there academic potential is, put mildly, limited, they are at times a disruptive influence in schools and thus are usually (educated) in specialized institutions. Many retarded people are also targeted by abusers- consider the case of the Scherzer Bros in the l98o"s a developmentally disabled ( translate retarded) girl was sexually assaulted by the athletic and ( chic) Scherzer Brothers. these things happen, so to prevent it these kids are often placed in special classes or institutionalized.

What do kids get out of going to school?


Why are school people are called students why not school kids?

Because what defines them is not that they attend school, but that they study. Besides, using a periphrase to describe something that has already a word to define it would just seem retarded.

Can parents get arrested for kids not going to school?


How does India kids learn education?

By going to school

Are the Jackson kids going to a private school?

maybe the buckley school in LA

Can kids love?

kids can actually love in my school the girls and boys are actually going out