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They were designed to preserve health standards.

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Q: What are the reasons behind Kashrut Laws?
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Related questions

What are the laws of kashrut?

See the attached link.

Which kosher laws are stricter Ashkenaz or Sephard?

Generally speaking, Ashkenazi laws of kashrut are stricter.

How many are Jewish food laws?

The laws of kashrut.See also the Related Link.Kashrut-laws

Do kids follow the Jewish food laws?

Yes, religiously observant Jewish kids follow the laws of kashrut.

Can diabetics eat kosher?

Kashrut, the Jewish dietary laws, govern the preparation and consumption of food for Jew. There is no conflict between kashrut and preparing food for diabetics.

Is patrijs kosher?

Partridge is a kosher bird but has to be slaughtered and prepared following the laws of kashrut.

Food prepared according to Jewish dietary laws is called?

The Jewish dietary laws are called 'kashrut'. Food that is prepared according to the laws of kashrut is 'kosher'. The word kosher literally means fit, as in, fit for consumption. Fleishig is the term used to describe food that contains meat.

Why do Jews have their own butchers?

Assuming the question refers to why there are kosher butchers versus "regular" butchers, this is because of the laws of kashrut - Jewish dietary laws. Kashrut has very strict requirements for the slaughter and butchering of animals that are not met by non-kosher butchers.

Which foods when eaten together is not kosher?

Dairy and meat cannot be combined according to the laws of kashrut.

What is kosher soup?

Kosher soup is any soup that is made following the laws of kashrut (Jewish dietary laws). It is not a specific type of soup.

What is the name given to specially prepared Jewish food?

Food prepared according to the laws of kashrut (Jewish dietary laws) is referred to as 'kosher'.

What do you call the person who enforces the kosher laws in a kitchen?

Some states have specific laws for restaurants that claim to be kosher and inspect those restaurants with the aid of a Rabbi conversant in Kashrut. Some states do not, but for a kitchen to be kosher it must comply with Kashrut, and sometimes certified by a Rabbi as such.