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A flat minor is the relative minor of B major

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Q: What are the relative minors for the B major scale?
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Related questions

What scale has g sharp in?

A major, E major, B major, F# major, C# major, and all their relative minors.

How do you make a major scale minor?

Flatten the third and seventh notes in the scale. Therefore, if you're in the key of A major the notes are A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G#, A. Therefore, flattening the 3 and 7, you end up with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A. By the way, Am is the relative minor of the key of Cmajor, which has no sharps or flats.

How do you find a relative minor of a major scale?

How do you memorize relative minors? Learn the major scales (key signatures, sharps, and flats). Get accustomed to thinking of scale degrees simultaneously by note and number. To convert to relative minor, I find it easier to count backwards 8-7-6 (C-B-A) from the octave root (8th degree), and then add sharps or flats as I know them to be in the relative major. I play guitar so it's easy to recover from mistakes by using it as a chromatic approach or a slow bend.

How many flats does the scale of E flat have?

No such major has b flat and e flat.

What is the relative major of B major?

It's not a major, it's a minor. The relative minor of B major is G# minor.

What is in-harmonic scale?

There are three enharmonic scales at the bottom of the circle of fifths, those are D-flat, G-flat and C-flat majors for the flats and B, F-sharp and C-sharp majors for the sharps. The relative minors for these scales are B-flat, E-flat and A-flat minors for the flats and G-sharp, D-sharp and A-sharp minors for the sharps.

What is the dominant in the scale of B Major?

The dominant is the 5th tone in the scale. In a D Major scale, the dominant is A.

What are relative major and minor?

Relative major and minor share the same key signature but a different tonic note (a tonic note is the first note of the scale or in solfege tonic is DO). For example, D flat major has five flats in it's key signature and b flat minor has 5 flats in it's key signature; therefore, D flat major and b flat minor are relative.

What scale has only F sharp in it?

No scale has an F♯ and a D♯ alone, however the keys of E, B, F♯, C♯ major and likewise their relative minors have both the notes F♯ and D♯ as degrees in their scale.

What is the dominant note in the B-flat major scale?

The dominant note is the 5th note in the scale. In the B Major scale, F is the dominant note.

What is the leading note in the B major scale?

The leading note of B major is A#.

What is the submediant of the B major scale?

B major's submediant note is g#