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Eighty percent of French Guiana is Christian (Roman Catholic, followed by Protestant and Eastern Orthodox). The remaining twenty percent is Muslim, along with various adherents of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism.

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Q: What are the religions in french giuana?
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French Guiana is a part of France, it is not an independent country.

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Most western religions have at least some French speakers, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

What are major French religions?

Catholic Christianity.

Are the months capitalized in french?

No, nationalities, religions, days of the week, or months are not capitalized in French.

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The French represent many world religions, but as a people the French do not have a religion that is specifically theirs.

What religions wear piercings?

In some cultures, various religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism may permit or incorporate the use of piercings for cultural or religious rituals. For example, Hindu women may wear nose piercings as a symbol of marriage, and some Buddhist monks wear earrings as a cultural tradition. Ultimately, the practice of wearing piercings can vary greatly within and among different religions.

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Usually people of many different religions came to french colonies.

What were the religions in France in 1914?

Mostly Catholic, though the French have not been as devout since the Anti-Clerical French Revelation.

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The main religions during the French and Indian War were Catholicism, Protestantism (specifically Anglicanism), and various Indigenous religions practiced by Native American tribes. Both the French and British colonists brought their respective religious traditions to North America, while Native Americans practiced their own spiritual beliefs.

What is the religion fo French Guiana?

The vast majority of French Guianans are Roman Catholic. There are many other religions practiced by the minority groups. These include indigenous Amerindian shamanistic religions, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Africanbased religions.

Did the french become much less tolerant towards other religions?

French is not a religion it is an nationality (and or a language). In view of this, the question can not be answered.