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to volunteer to be active in your community. be honest and trustworthy. follow rules and laws. respect the rights of others. be informed about the world around you. respect the property of others. be compassionate. take responsibilities for your actions. be a good neighbor. protect your enviorment.

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Q: What are the responsibilities of being a good citizen in the US?
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According to the US Constitution what are the responsibilities of a US citizen?

The responsibilities of a US citizen included civic participation by voting. Also, a citizen is expected to protect American principles and values.

How does being a good citizen as an individual help the people of the US as a whole?

You can help protect and keep the US a safe place for everyone. Being a good citizen makes you a good person and you can influence other people around you to be a good citizen also

What does it mean to be a US citizen?

Being a US citizen means that you have certain rights, such as the right to vote, work, and live in the United States. It also means you have responsibilities, such as obeying the law and paying taxes. Overall, being a US citizen signifies that you have a legal status and allegiance to the United States.

What are the right and responsibilities of citizen of the US?

I believe it has to do with my dick in your mouth.

What are 3 responsibilities of a US citizen?

Going to a job Looking after their property ....

What are the rights-liberties and responsibilities of US citizen?

I believe it has to do with my dick in your mouth.

What are 3 optional responsibilities of a US citizen?

Going to a job Looking after their property ....

What is one responsibility of a US citizen?

The US Government expects certain responsibilities form the US citizen in return of the citizenship status. Among the responsibilities, the most important is filing in the taxes regularly. They should file in taxes for the income that they earn even while residing out of the US.

Why is it good to be a citizen of the US citizen?

you get rights

What are two responsibilities that only a US citizen can perform?

voting and folding the U.S. flag

How am I proud to be a US citizen?

Be proud of being an US citizen. It's a great country.

Is being a citizen of the US the same as being a citizen from Canada?

No, they're different. There's a US passport and a Canadian passport.