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The Hebrew Bible contains chapters that increase our reverence towards God; chapters that crystallize, strengthen and codify our beliefs; and insure our awareness and knowledge of our history; and provide powerful impetus to be ethical.

It makes us stand in awe of God, while also providing optimism and comfort through the prophecies of redemption. It inspires us to strive for holiness and informs us how to pray and to approach God's presence.

It gives us a great deal of general information, guidance and advice.

And it sets detailed laws, practices and traditions for us.

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6y ago
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Moorea Hearn

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11y ago

The Torah is the Five Books of Moses. It is the holiest of Jewish books.

The Tanach, which is the Hebrew Bible, contains the Torah, the Prophets and the Scriptures. Together, these make up the written law.

For an overview, see the attached Related Link.

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10y ago

The teachings of Judaism may be divided into several categories. These include: the Tanakh, the Talmud, the other works of our early sages, and the works of later Rabbis.

The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) is also called "the Written Torah," in contrast to the Oral Torah, which is the body of tradition that was handed down orally for some 1500 years, and only after that put in writing, so as not to be forgotten in times of exile. The Oral Torah is contained in the Talmud, which is a multi-volume compendium of Jewish traditions, law, history, and sayings of the early Jewish Sages.

The other works of the early sages include the midrashim (expounding upon the Tanakh), and the Zohar (a mystical commentary on the Torah). The works of later Rabbis include books on Jewish outlook and belief, such as the Emunot VeDeot (8th century CE) and the Kuzari (11th century); books on halakhah (Jewish law), such as the Yad Hachazakah (12th century) and the Shulchan Arukh (16th century); books on piety, such as the Noam Elimelekh and the Mesillat Yesharim (18th century); books on ethics, such as the Maalot Hamidot and the Hafetz Chaim (19th century), and much more.

Contents of the Written Torah:

The Jewish holy book is the Tanakh (Jewish Bible), containing the Torah and the prophetic books.

Tanakh is a Hebrew acronym of T, N, K which stands for the three parts of the Tanakh: Torah, Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings).

1) The Torah (תורה), also called the Pentateuch, is the primary Jewish holy book. It is comprised of the 5 Books of Moses (also called the Books of the Law). The Torah was given by God to Moses (Exodus 24:12), who transmitted it to the people and wrote it (Deuteronomy 31:24).

1-5: The Torah (the Five Books of Moses):

• Bereisheet (Genesis)

• Shemot (Exodus)

• Vayikra (Leviticus)

• Bamidbar (Numbers)

• Devarim (Deuteronomy)

2) Nevi'im (נביאים), The Prophets. The Jews see the book of Prophets as the Divinely-inspired story of their past and the relationship between God and Israel. Jewish tradition (Talmud, Bava Batra 14b) states that the prophetic books were written by the authors whose names they bear: Joshua, Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, etc. Judges is credited to Samuel, Kings was written by Jeremiah. The Prophets is comprised of a total of 8 books according to the Jewish count.

6-9: The Nevi'im Rishonim (the Early Prophets):

• Yehoshua (Joshua)

• Shoftim (Judges)

• Shemuel (Samuel I and II)

• Melachim (Kings I and II)

10-13: The Nevi'im Acharonim (the Later Prophets):

• Yeshayahu (Isaiah)

• Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah)

• Yechezkel (Ezekiel)

• Trei Asar ("The Twelve Prophets" or Minor Prophets)

Books and Prophets within Trei Asar:

• Hoshea (Hosea)

• Yoel (Joel)

• Amos

• Ovadiah (Obadiah)

• Yonah (Jonah)

• Michah (Micah)

• Nahum

• Havakkuk (Habakkuk)

• Zephaniah

• Haggai

• Zechariah

• Malachi 3) Ketuvim (כתובים), Writings. The Ketuvim contains the remaining History Books: Daniel, Lamentations, and others. Jewish tradition (Talmud, Bava Batra 14b) states that the prophetic books were written by the authors whose names they bear: Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, etc. Ruth was written by Samuel; Lamentations was written by Jeremiah; Psalms was set in writing by King David; Chronicles was written by Ezra; Proverbs, Song of Songs and Kohellet (Ecclesiastes) were written by King Solomon; and Esther was written by Mordecai and Esther. Concerning Job, the Talmud states more than one opinion as to when it was written. The Writings consists of 11 books by the Jewish count:

14-16: The "Sifrei Emet"

• Tehillim (Psalms)

• Mishlei (Proverbs)

• Iyov (Job)

17-21: The "Five Megilot" (Five Scrolls)

• Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs)

• Ruth

• Eichah (Lamentations)

• Kohelet (Ecclesiastes)

• Esther

22-24: The rest of the Writings:

• Daniel

• Ezra-Nehemiah

• Divrei Hayamim (Chronicles I and II)

Further information:

The term "Torah" can refer loosely to the entire Jewish Bible.

Tradition places the sealing of the Tanakh's canon around 340 BCE.

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8y ago

The Hebrew Bible contains chapters that increase our reverence towards God; chapters that crystallize, strengthen and codify our beliefs; and insure our awareness and knowledge of our history; and provide powerful impetus to be ethical.

It makes us stand in awe of God, while also providing optimism and comfort through the prophecies of redemption. It inspires us to strive for holiness and informs us how to pray and to approach God's presence.
It gives us a great deal of general information, guidance and advice.
And it sets detailed laws, practices and traditions for us.

The books of the Hebrew Bible are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the Twelve Minor Prophets (Hosea, Joel, etc.), Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra & Nehemiah, and Chronicles (all only in the original Hebrew).

Our tradition is that the Hebrew Bible was given by God (Exodus 24:12) and His prophets, to provide knowledge, guidance, inspiration, awe and reverence, advice, law, comfort, history and more. It is the basis of Judaism.Link: Israelite prophecy

Some examples of the commands:

  • Putting on Tefillin (phylacteries) in the morning
Link: The Tefillin
  • Saying the Shema-prayer
Link: The Shema
  • Sitting in the sukkah during Sukkot
Link: The Sukkah-booth
  • Avoiding leavened products in Passover
Link: Passover
  • Keeping kosher
Link: Kosher-laws
Link: Yom Kippur
  • Not working on the Shabbat
Link: The Shabbat
  • Paying workers on time
  • Marital rights for one's wife
  • The Ten Commandments
Link: The Ten Commandments
  • Helping someone who is in danger
  • Counting the days of the Omer
  • Returning lost objects when feasible
  • Wearing the tzitzith-garment
Link: What are Tzitzith
  • Affixing a mezuzah to the door
Link: What is a mezuzah
  • Learning Torah
Link: The Torah
  • Keeping our rules of ethics
Link: Jewish ethics
  • Marrying and having children
  • Educating one's children in Judaism
  • Giving tzedakah (charity)
  • Honoring one's parents

And many more.

The laws have various reasons. Some (such as the Passover) serve to reenact or remember events of our history.
Some (such as saying the Shema-prayer) serve to reiterate our belief in God.
Some of the laws (such as those of ritual purity and kosher food) serve to sanctify us.
Some (such as the laws of torts) serve to maintain an orderly and just society.
Some (such as the law against breaking a vow) serve to prevent bad character traits.
Some (such as the command to offer help) serve to engender good character traits.
And all of the commands serve to subjugate us to God's will (especially those commands for which no explanation is easily apparent).

See also the other Related Links.

Link: What are some facts about Torah-scrolls?

Link: What are the key teachings of Judaism?

Link: What is the history of the Hebrew Bible?

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11y ago

The Torah explains the history of the Israelites and the laws which God gave them.

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Why is Judaism a sacred text?

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What was a secred texts in judaism?

The sacred text of Judaism is the Tanach. Tanach is actually an acronym made up of the names of its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings).

What are the three texts of the Hebrew bible that are sacred?

The sacred text of Judaism is called the Tanach. The word Tanach is an acronym made from the names of its three parts: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings).

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Judaism and Christianity.

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"Important" is a opinion

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The Torah is an example of the sacred Jewish text that contributes to Judaism.