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keep informed of current issues

register and vote

volunteer for common good

run for elected president

communicate with government officials to influence government actions

participate in political campaigns

respect other's rights to have their own opinion

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Q: What are the seven civic responsibilities?
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What are some forms of civic participation?

It is rights and responsibilities.

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They are examples of civic responsibilities.

Why did wealthy Romans ignore their civic duties?

Their wealth made them feel as thought they were above the civic duties and responsibilities that fell to the other 98%.

What does civic duty mean in ancient Rome?

-vote in elections.. -attend assembly meeings

According to the US Constitution what are the responsibilities of a US citizen?

The responsibilities of a US citizen included civic participation by voting. Also, a citizen is expected to protect American principles and values.

How are rights and responsibilities related in terms of civic duty?

Rights ensure that each individual is respected and treated with dignity. This in turn makes it possible for people to carry out their civic duties passionately.

The rights guaranteed to Americans citizens are accompanied by a number of personal and civic?

The generous rights guaranteed to Americans by virtue of their membership in a constitutional democracy are accompanied by a number of personal and civic responsibilities

Explain the various civic responsibilities and duties?

There are tangible and intangible civic responsibilities. Intangible civic responsibilities would be things like: Being an informed voter, contributing to the common good, and obeying the law. Tangible civic responsibilities are things people actually DO, like pay their taxes, VOTE, show up for jury duty when they are summoned, volunteer to be a poll worker, or get involved in a political campaign.