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Q: What are civic responsibilities that keep the government working effectively?
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Explain the various civic responsibilities and duties?

There are tangible and intangible civic responsibilities. Intangible civic responsibilities would be things like: Being an informed voter, contributing to the common good, and obeying the law. Tangible civic responsibilities are things people actually DO, like pay their taxes, VOTE, show up for jury duty when they are summoned, volunteer to be a poll worker, or get involved in a political campaign.

What are the responsibilities of the civic?

There are several civic responsibilities of the government. This includes protecting the people and property via police and security forces. The government is also responsible for funding schools for educational purposes. They also need to provide shelter and food for those that are needy or less fortunate. As always, the government must provide roads, bridges, buses, and trains for public transportation.

What are some forms of civic participation?

It is rights and responsibilities.

The duties that citizens have to their country are known as .?

Civic responsibilities

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Which is a example of a citizens responsibility?

Civic duties include, for example, obeying the laws of the country, paying the taxes levied by the government, or serving on a jury or as a witness in court. Civic responsibilities encompass actions like registering to vote and voting, and serving on statutory boards and committees.

What do voting in elections and volunteering at a homeless shelter have in common?

They are examples of civic responsibilities.

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The blower in my 2001 Honda Civic did not stop working.

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Why did wealthy Romans ignore their civic duties?

Their wealth made them feel as thought they were above the civic duties and responsibilities that fell to the other 98%.