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The sexual orientations of parents have no bearing on the sexual orientations of their children. Keep in mind that more than 90% of all gay people had heterosexual parents, and it didn't affect them at all.

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Q: What are the sexual functioning of children whose were raised by a gay parents?
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experience and upbringing has no bearing on sexual orientation.

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Do gay parents have an affect on their kids?

Absolutely. Gay parents do their best to teach their children so they can become happy, healthy and well balanced members of society.However, these effects have nothing to do with the parents' sexual orientations.

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because there parents are idiots and sexual because there parents are idiots and sexual

What is the how parents are in the sexual reproduction?

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What is the round scar on people's arms?

I have seen a round raised shaped scar on abused children made by cigarette burns that the parents have burned them with. However, this is an acquired characteristic, and cannot be passed on to offspring by sexual reproduction. Prior to 1974 in Canada children were given the small pox vaccine using a needle that left a large round scar on the upper arm.

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A lot of the time there is a lack of evidence of abuse, so children end of staying with abusive parents, sometimes with devastating results. Also, false claims of sexual, emotional, and physical abuse can cause children to be taken away from great parents.

How do children catch genital herpes?

Loving parents (this category includes grumpy, tired, in-need-of-a-break parents) do not pass on genital herpes to their children through the ‘normal’ intimacies of family life. But if it does happen that they get it, it has to be by way of sexual contact. This should be reported.

How many parents do sexual organisms have?

2 parents

Why are parents embarassed about their children knowing how they made them?

Most parents are not so much embarrassed about telling their children how they were born, but apprehensive as to how much they should go into detail depending on the age of the child. There are a few parents who simply do not like to discuss sexual matters with their children, but, in schools or from their peers children will soon find out. It is far better for parents to decide just how much their children should know and tell them the truth rather than to hear uneducated guesses from the child's friends or others.