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3d ago

Short term effects of tourism can include increased economic activity, job creation, infrastructure development, and cultural exchange. However, it can also lead to overcrowding, environmental degradation, and cultural disruption in popular tourist destinations.

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Q: What are the short term effects of tourism?
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What are the basic approaches of the study of tourism?

The basic approaches of the study of tourism include analyzing the economic impact of tourism on destinations, researching the motivations and behaviors of tourists, understanding the sociocultural implications of tourism, and examining the environmental sustainability of tourism practices.

What is the Political impact of tourism in Philippines?

Tourism in the Philippines can have positive political impacts by generating revenue, creating job opportunities, and fostering economic growth. It also has the potential to boost international relations through cultural exchange and diplomatic ties with other countries. Additionally, tourism can contribute to the development and preservation of local communities and heritage sites, enhancing national pride and identity.

What political philosophy is Argentina?

Argentina's political philosophy is primarily influenced by democratic principles, with a focus on representative government, individual rights, and social welfare programs. The country also has a history of populism, which emphasizes support for the working class and can at times lead to policies that prioritize short-term benefits over long-term stability.

What are ways that humans impact the environment in bled?

Humans impact the environment in Bled through activities like tourism, waste generation, and water pollution. Increased traffic and development from tourism can lead to habitat destruction and pollution. Improper waste disposal can contaminate water sources and harm local biodiversity.

What are two types of foreign aid?

Two types of foreign aid are humanitarian aid, which is provided in response to emergencies like natural disasters or conflicts to address immediate needs such as food, water, and shelter, and development aid, which is aimed at long-term sustainable development projects in areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

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The short term effects of concentration are success over a short period of time in a specific sport. ye? safe

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Short term effects:=Death, Loss of Hair,weaker immune system, loss of weight=

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