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1. It assumes that all cities are structured in exactly the same in way. Not all cities have a single core business district.

2. Just because crime occurs downtown, does not mean it is being committed by the people who live downtown

3. It is based on official crime data, if unofficial data were included a much different picture would be depicted

4. social disorganization cannot be empirically defined

5. Since there are more police downtown because it is expected that there will be more crime, more crime is recorded

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Q: What are the shortfalls of the concentric zone theory?
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What is zone theory?

There are two types of zone theory they are concentric and subduction. The concentric zone theory states that urban land has to be classified as concentric zones.

What is the burgess theory?

Burgess Theory is the Concentric Zone Theory, which is the internal land use structure of cities. -Kane

The concentric zone theory was created by?

social disorganization theorists Shaw and McKay

Which theorists contributed to the concentric zone theory of urban development?

The concentric zone theory of urban development was proposed by sociologist Ernest Burgess in 1925. Burgess argued that cities grow outward from a central core in a series of concentric rings, with each ring representing a different land use or social group. Other theorists, such as Robert Park and Roderick McKenzie, also contributed to the development of this theory.

Difference between sector and concentric zone theory?

Sector theory focuses on the spatial organization of a city based on the development of transportation routes and residential areas, with distinct sectors of the city being defined by different land uses. Concentric zone theory, on the other hand, proposes that cities develop in concentric rings outward from a central business district, with land uses becoming less desirable and more diverse as distance from the center increases. While sector theory emphasizes transportation as a key factor influencing urban form, concentric zone theory highlights the role of socio-economic factors in shaping urban growth.

What is an example of a concentric zone model?


What is the Earth's largest concentric zone?

The Mantle :)

What theory envisioned cities as having a central business's district with other areas falling in a circular pattern outward?

Concentric zone theory proposed by sociologist Ernest Burgess, envisions a central business district at the core of the city surrounded by zones of decreasing land value and socioeconomic status as you move outwards in concentric circles.

He developed the theory that planets move in concentric circles around the earth?

AAristotle developed the theory that planets are spheres and move in concentric circles around the sun

What is Concentric zone theory?

Park and Burgess developed their theory of urban ecology in 1925.Their model was known as The concentric zone theory. The theory proposed that cities are environments like those found in nature, governed by many of the same forces as Darwinian evolution. Park argued that cities were characterised by a 'botanic balance' in which existing communities were distributed by news waves of imaginations, creating conflict out of which a new form of community emerged to replace the original one.The struggle for space was linked to this process, with individuals competing for the best habitats. Park and Burgess predicted that, once fully grown, cities would take the form of five concentric rings with areas of social and physical deterioration concentrated near the city centre and the more prosperous areas located near the city's edge.

What zone in the burgess concentric zone model was expected to have the highest crime rate?

I believe it is th Zone of Transiton where the area is much poorer than the other zones.

What is the commuter zone?

The commuter zone is the outermost ring of the concentric zone model. It represents the upper-class residential area. It is called the commuter zone because of the people who go to the city to work.