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Q: What are the side affects of having a metal plate in your head?
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Does having a metal plate in head cause dementia?

No, but the damage that made the plate necessary may.

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What is in your head?

A brain a metal plate and piece of a knife

Does having a metal plate in shoulder effect the metal detector?

No. The detector head cannot be turned to that amount of sensitivity anyhow and if you could it would drain the batterry very fast. You would also need a larger detector head. Just no.

Will a tanning bed affect the metal plate in my head?


Does a metal plate in your head affect your memory?

The metal plate as such is not expected to have any influence. But to need one, you've probably had some sort of head injury. And THAT might affect your injury.

If a person had a metal plate in their head would a magnet stick to it?

no, the type of metal used is platinum which is unfavorable to metal or magnet.

What does drinking alcohol do to a person with a metal plate in their head?

That does no change the effects of alcohol.

Why would doctors put a metal plate in someone's head?

A doctor may put a metal plate in someone's head to replace part of a bone that had to be taken out. Any type of surgery to your head is serious.

How strong of a head wind can a decagon withstand?

A decagon, if etched into a flat metal plate, for example, can withstand a head wind of any strength - as long as it does not lift the plate off.

Could a metal plate in someone's head withstand a bullet?

it would most likely not because of the impact of the bullet hitting the metal plate the metal plate would be pushed back pushed back behind the skell whichh would then hit the brain and cause lack of brain funktion

How long can you live with a metal plate in your head?

Dear God, I hope this is hypothetical. Anyway, it depends on how big the plate is, how deep it's in, where it's in, etc.