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i would say no because you will have to keep taking it at the normal times for to be effective. so if you don't want to get pregnant and don't wish to continue your pills use other forms of contraception. condoms spermicides etc.

Answer #2:

It is very important to take your pills regularly; otherwise you're likely to feel like you've got MEGA PMS. That said, if you stopped and realize now that you do want to be on the pill, yes, you can start all over again, just like you did the first time.

Use other contraceptives in the meanwhile.

And, the next time you stop having sex, don't get off the pill. If you stopped the pill previously because the side effects were too much, go back to your doctor and ask for another brand and/or formulation. If you tell your doctor what your side effects were, they can look up what other brand of pill might work better for you.


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The risks are the same whether or not you've recently been on Birth Control.

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A Baby

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Q: What are the side affects to stopping birth control pills?
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What are some side effects of stopping birth control pills?

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Yes you can become pregnant a week after you have stopped taking birth control pills.

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No, you and your baby should be fine.

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Aciphex mat affect birth control in some instances. This is because it affects other medicines taken and would therefore interfere with birth control pills.

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Why black period after stopping taking birth control pill?

After either changing or stopping with the use of birth control pills, it is quite common to have a result such as brown or even darker period. It is normal, the experts say, mostly due to uteral lining, which stopped being thick as it was prior to taking birth control pills. No reason to worry as long as the visits to the doctor are regular and pills aren't taken without proper physical exam

Are you allergic to birth control pills?

I am not allergic to birth control pills.

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