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Seizures in dogs can manifest in many forms. They range from petit mal to grand mal seizures, with many variations in between.

Petit mal seizures often cause the dog to stop and suddenly stare off into space with a blank look, in a semi-conscious state.

Partial seizures can target only a certain part of a dog's body, such as in the face or just one side of the body.

Complex partial seizures can result in a variety of erratic behaviors, from the dog running around the house to standing and staring into space, drooling, and unresponsive.

Cluster seizures are when your dog has many seizure episodes closely after one another.

A grand mal seizure is the most severe, and causes the dog to go rigid, fall down, convulse violently, drool, and sometimes lose control of its bowels.

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Unfortunately, yes, it is possible for a young dog to have a seizure and die either during the seizure or just after the seizure is over. You need to take your dog in to be seen by your Veterinarian. Medications can be given by your Vet to control the seizures. Each time your dog has a seizure, brain cells are destroyed. Take your dog immediately to a Veterinarian.

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normal neurological exam and development at onset, absence of other seizure types at onset, older age of onset, short duration of spasms, and early effective treatment of spasms

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