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Q: What are the similarities and differences between the evidence for evolution and intelligent design?
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Is similarities an early development not evidence for evolution?

It does hint at common ancestry so it is "evidence" of evolution.

Is it true similarities in early development are not evidence for evolution?

No, they are not evidence for ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny.

Why do scientists study proteins to find evidence for evolution?

Proteins reflect DNA sequences, so scientists study proteins to look for genetic similarities and differences in organisms.

How do similarities in the bones of humans dolphins horses and birds provide evidence of evolution?

i do not have any idea

Does intelligent design challenge the theory of evolution?

No. Intelligent Design is not a viable theory since it does not explain all of the steps nor provide any evidence to substantiate its claims. As a result, the Theory of Evolution remains unchallenged by it.

How is evidence from DNA useful in understanding the evolution of species?

DNA molecules contain the assembly instructions for every living creature. Scientists compare DNA from ancient and present creatures to identify genetic similarities among species. The genetic similarities among species is the main evidence of evolution theory.

What are the evidence presented in court for Charles Darwin theory of intelligent design?

Not sure how to answer this as scientific theories are not subject to the law but are supported by overwhelming evidence. The only time that evolution or the theory that supports it is in a court of law is when some public school somewhere, or some state somewhere tries to introduce religion into the classroom disguised inder the terms creation " science : or intelligent design.There is no theory of evolution put forward by Charles Darwin that includes intelligent design. If fact the theory of evolution by natural selection is the antithesis of intelligent design.

What is a homologous structure and what does it show?

== == Homologous provide evidence for evolution because it shows the similarities and how we evolved from the same ancestors

What are the differences between Darwin's theory of evolution and conflicting theories?

It is no longer Darwin's theory, as Darwin has been dead about 130 years. There are no credible alternatives to the modern theory of evolution by natural selection. So, the differences is; the theory of evolution by natural selection is supported by myriad lines of converging evidence and explains the natural phenomenon that is evolution very well. The " conflicting theories " have no evidence supporting them and explain nothing.

What do creationists believe as an alternative to evolution?

Basically, ' magic man ' done it. Even their much vaunted intelligent design theory has religious connotations as the evidence shows. Speaking of evidence; they have not one scintilla of that.

What are the differences and similarities between creationism intelligent design and evolution?

The first two say "gee - it's so complicated somebody must have planed it" along with the extra ego trip that says that we're pretty special. Evolution says that one single rule can generate complexity from simplicity. (The rule is let the weak weed themselves out - we call it death.) Forget the God argument ... He could have invented evolution too. In fact, it would take a superior sort of entity to do do so.

How do scientists use similarities in early development as evidence for evolution?

By examining fossils and by determining their relative and absolute ages, scientists have collected evidence that supports the theory that species changed over time.