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Hello, please concider that the church was one for a thousand years. Then Catholism broke away from the Eastern Orthodox Church to declare independance. We have many of the same rituals and many similarities for others. The main difference is the way the Holly Communion is given. But I am sure the Lord does not mind the form it takes, but it is hurtful to ask for but not be able to participate in eachother's communion in times of need. It has happened to me to be refused communion when in a foregn country and desperetaly needing that.

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11y ago

Here are some similarities :

Everyone in the world has a religion as well as Rome and Greece. Romans and Greeks both believed in one god. Festivals was the best thing they had in which they honored their gods. They believe that by making sacrifices they would be honoring their gods.

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14y ago

Religions inevitably share many features in common, even more so when one religion has influenced the development of the other.

To a non-Catholic, the most striking similarity between Catholicism and the paganism of the ancient Mediterranean region is that the Catholics pray before images or statues of Jesus and of the saints, just as the pagans once prayed before statues of their gods. The Catholic response is that Catholics only venerate their saints, whereas the pagans worshipped their gods through the images they made of them. However, statues and images of Jesus are certainly used for worship. The halo often depicted around the heads of Jesus and the saints originated with depictions of the pagan god Apollo who, as the sun god, was depicted with a halo or sun disc. Even the phenomena of Catholic statues appearing to bleed parallels similar phenomena in pagan times.

In the early years of Christianity, the veneration of saints reached such a point that critics claimed that it was tantamount to polytheism. Eventually, the Church pronounced a doctrine that clarified the limits of veneration, without really changing the practice.

Many of the feast days of saints were made to coincide with pagan days of celebration, in order to facilitate the full and proper conversion of pagans.

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Q: What are the similarities between Roman and Greek religions?
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