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Q: What are the similarities of floodplains and alluvial plains?
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Where is alluvial gold found?

Alluvial gold is found in alluvium, which is the soil in and around rivers. Alluvial gold is often found through river flats and floodplains.

What is the Alluvial Plains for?

to build on

What is Alluvial Soil carried and deposited from?

Alluvial soil comes from the floodplains, streams and rivers; most especially from fertile farmland. It is deposited in the delta or mouth of a river.

Where can be alluvial soil found in India?

Alluvial soils are found in the floodplains alongside rivers and streams.Alluvial soils are made of alluvium, which are deposits of sediment that are made when a river or stream floods.

What two large plains regions are located in Argentina?

The Pampas and the Floodplains.

Where do you find alluvial gold?

Alluvial gold is typically found in riverbeds, streams, and floodplains where water has eroded gold deposits from their original source and concentrated them in sediment. Prospectors use techniques like panning, sluicing, and dredging to extract alluvial gold from these areas.

What are Alluvial Placers?

Alluvial placers are those formed in present and past watercourses in gulches, creeks, rivers, flood plains and deltas.

What is the predominant soil in the coastal plains and north Indian plain?


How do you use alluvial in a sentence?

The sentence with the word 'alluvial': Alluvial soil is formed by the deposition of clay, silt and gravel carried by the rushing water stream which is deposited in the plains where the stream slows.

What are some secondary landforms?

A Secondary landform- is a landform created by the erosion and weathering by water, wind, and ice. Some examples are alluvial fans, floodplains, and deltas

Are there any floodplains in California?

yes. If you search under California floodplains, you will come out with many sites about the organiizations that deal with this problem. Roseville, California is a good example of a place in California wich has flood plains.

What is the importance of northern plains?

Northern plains are so fertile. because the rivers that rise from the Himalayas flow through these plains and they bring some alluvial soil. That is one of the monst importance of Northern Plains.