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Q: What are the six stages of recycling an aluminum can?
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Related questions

What does recycling do to iron and aluminium?

Recycling iron and aluminum makes iron and aluminum or you're doing it wrong.

What is the going rate for aluminum recycling in Detroit?

The rates for aluminum recycling varies from area to area. Rates are about 5 cents per aluminum can.

What is an advantage to recycling aluminum?

recycling aluiminum has a higher quality

What is a advantage of recycling aluminum?

Reductions in energy use and in the need for new supplies of aluminum ores, a finite resource, are both advantages of recycling aluminum.

Is there aluminum recycling in Egypt?


What is an advantage of recycling aluminum?


Where can you take aluminum recycling in New York City?

Any recycling center in any city, New York or otherwise, accept aluminum recycling. All you need to do is find your local recycle center and take in your recycling.

What is Georgia's recycling rate for aluminum?


What is the general percentage yield of aluminum recycling?


Can people make money by recycling aluminum?


How much do you get for recycling aluminum cans in Missouri?


Where do aluminum cans get dumped?

At a dump or a recycling center.