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Q: What are the solution for clogged canal?
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What are disadvantages of canals?

They were slow, often ice-clogged and depending on the size of the canal, some of the larger boats couldn't navigate as easily as the smaller boats.

What are some disadvantages of canals?

They were slow, often ice-clogged and depending on the size of the canal, some of the larger boats couldn't navigate as easily as the smaller boats.

How can I repair my clogged drain?

Well there are many ways you can repair or fix your clogged sink. One is to by a snake it is like this long tube you can stick down the the drain of the clogged sink and pull the gunk right on up. There is also another solution you can easily buy liquid plumber. Then there is the simple method the plunger.

What can be done about a clogged ear that's been clogged off and on for 2 months since a sinus cold and you still can't hear correctly out of it?

There is not much you can do about it. I recently had a cold that clogged my right ear and still clogged after a week. I went to see an ENT and the only thing he recommend ed me was the use of steroids otherwise it will go away by itself but it can take up to 3 months. the steroids only will clear up the ears in 6 weeks but they have so many side effects that is not worth the risk. **Steroids are for reducing swelling or inflammation of tissue** There is a solution you can try at home with out going to the Dr to reduce swollen sinus tissue deep in the inner ear canal and eustachian tube which causes this problem. The swelling keeps sinus mucus or infection pus clogged in the inner ear and can reduce hearing, cause pain, or just be very annoying. I invented it, and it DOES WORK.

Is the Panamal Canal a river?

There's a list on Wikipedia...à, the solution to your problem. :)

How do you unclog your ear?

1. Mix salt with warm water 2. put in a syringe 1/2 teaspoon of mixture 3. If if put it in the right ear tilt head to the left or vica versa 4. Keep head tilted, put cotton in the ear after you put in solution

Why won't the liquid run away in the washing machine?

Did you mean "why won't it drain"? The machine could have a damaged pump or a clogged drain. The pump can get damaged if small clothing gets stuck in it. Check the pump area and remove small clothes such as socks and undergarments. If it is clogged, try cleaning the machine. Treat the drain with a vinegar and baking soda solution. This solution helps get rid of collected dirt, molds and hard minerals.

I tried cleaning my ear out with a Q-Tip and when I took it out I had a very clogged feeling in my right ear I don't know what it is any suggestions of what this could be?

You may have pushed the buildup farther down your ear canal by accident and blocked it, resulting in the clogged feeling you have now. But I'm no doctor so you may want to go in and have them check it out just in case. Good luck.

What are the signs of worn carburetor jets?

Carburetor jets don't usually get worn, they get clogged. And the signs are hard starting, sputtering, and slow acceleration. A carb rebuild is usually the best solution.

What is one canal east of the Oswego canal?

One canal east of the "Oswego Canal " is the " Fulton Canal.

How do you say clogged in French?

clogged (health) = congestionné(e) clogged (traffic) = embouteillé the roads are clogged = les routes sont embouteillées, sont bouchées

What Canal connects to Mediterranean sea and the Red sea?

The Suez Canal.